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Extract and sort email addresses, web addresses and phone numbers easily!

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You can now group your email addresses by chunks of 10, 50 or 100!


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First step:
Paste your text
( optional ) paste here the email
addresses to ignore

email address

copy save

phone number

copy save

web address

copy save

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explanation multiple-emails
explanation add-to-address-book

Remove duplicates emails, URLs, phone numbers

ExtractingEmailAddress removes automatically duplicates.

Email addresses

However, some people may have two different form of email address. john.bloggs@supercompany.com and j.bloggs@supercompany.com for example.
In that case, you can sort out by company (priority 1.), then by family name (priority 2.). It will be easier for you to strip out manually this kind of duplicates.

To do that,

  • click > sort by > and drag 'company' in the top position, then drag 'family name' just below
  • click 'extract'
  • go through the email list result manually

Phone Numbers

Also that some phone numbers may be the same for a human, but not for your computer:
+374 9 1234567 would be the same than +374 (9) 1234567 for a human, but would not be removed as duplicated from your computer. You could sort this manually.

Eliminate dead email addresses

Add in the ( optional ) email addresses to be ignored a text containing all the email addresses that should be ignored.

As an example:

  • Get all the text from emails with 'Mail Delivery System' title
  • Paste their body's text into ( optional ) email addresses to be ignored
  • Copy the text that contains all the valid and dead email addresses into the text box 'Paste your text here'.
  • Click on the button 'Extract'

Only extract email address from one company

Extracting email address from only one company means that they have the same string after the '@' sign.

  • click on 'Misc'
  • select 'only' in the drop-down list
  • then write a '@' with the company name after 'extract items containing this string:'
    For instance: @supercorp. You don't have to put the extension ('.com' for instance), as some companies may have several ones (.co.uk and .com for instance).

  • paste your text into the 'paste your text here' area
  • click the 'Extract' button.

Only extract emails from one family name

Extracting email address from only one family name usually means that they have the same string just before the '@' sign.

  • click on 'Misc'
  • select 'only' in the drop-down list
  • then write a '@' with the company name after 'extract items containing this string:'
    For instance: doe@
  • paste your text into the 'paste your text here' area
  • click the 'Extract' button.

Only extract URL from one website

  • click on 'Misc'
  • select 'only' in the drop-down list
  • write the website in the text field.
  • paste your text into the 'paste your text here' area
  • click the 'Extract' button.

Extract email addresses or urls or phone numbers
From One Column Only, and Paste the Result in the Same Column, Keeping the Original Order

Is there a way to extract out the emails listed in a spreadsheet row by row in one complete column?

Do you have some data like that:

John AJohn A data stuff 98y7986 john.a@agmail.com
John A2John A dgyu788 john.a@gmail.com
John ASylvie BB syl@sylcorp.com
Jack DohJack d 987 jack.d@gmail.com

and you want this result:

John Ajohn.a@agmail.com
John A2john.a@gmail.com
John Asyl@sylcorp.com
Jack Dohjack.d@gmail.com

It is simple, just follow these steps:

  • in your spreadsheet, select the content of the column only - to do that, click on the letter of the column (example 'C').
  • copy the content
  • paste it in the "Paste your text here" text area

  • click in the "sort by" option (just above the text area) - and drag and drop the "original text order" in the first position
  • click in the "format", select the "custom separator", delete the ';' in the text area
  • check the check-box "enter at the end of the line"

  • click on "Extract"
  • click on result and copy the content

  • go back on your spreadsheet, select the field you want to paste the result in
  • paste the result

Warning: if there is some cells in your original document with no email address, or with more than one email addresses, this method will fail. If this is the case, you have to delete them manually before extracting data

Remove extra character at the end of the email addresses

Problem: after saving into CSV format, there is a character added at the end of each email address. How can you remove it?

For example: a.f@gagole.atÊ .

  • Copy all the resulting email address
  • Open a basic text editor such as notepad, but not a word processor like Microsoft Word
  • Past your text in this editor
  • Select all this text from this editor, copy it
  • Past the text wherever you want. The extra characters should be now removed


These basic text editors remove the formatting and transform "the end of line" character to "end of line" character used normally in Word or other softwares.

Group email addresses by chunks of 10, 20, 50

Problem: you need to group email addresses by groups of 20 or 100?

It's easy!

  • click on 'Format'.
  • in the 'group by', select a number.
  • paste your text into the 'paste your text here' area.
  • click the 'Extract' button.

Extract E-mail Addresses or Website Addresses (URLs) or Phone Number
from a Text (usual use)

How does this work? How can I get all the email addresses (or URL or Phone numbers)?

  • You have a text with a lot of email addresses or telephone numbers or URLs (website addresses)?
  • Copy this text into the text box 'Paste your text here'.
  • Click on the button 'Extract'
  • As a result:

    You will have all the email addresses contained in the text appearing on the right side of the boxes (or below if you have a smaller screen), or the grey text 'No email found'.

    You will have all the URL (web addresses) contained in the text appearing on the right side of the text boxes (or below if you have a smaller screen), or a grey text 'No URL found'.

    You will have all the Phone numbers contained in the text appearing on the right side of the text boxes (or below if you have a smaller screen), or a grey text 'No Phone number found'.
  • And you are done!

Extract email addresses from a website (or extract URLs or Phone Numbers from a website)

  • Go on the web-page whose email addresses you want to extract
  • Press on your keyboard Ctrl+U (you will then see the source of the page)
  • Press Ctrl+A to select all the code, then Ctrl+C to copy it
  • Go on extractemailaddress.com , then paste the code with Ctrl+V in the text box "Paste your text here"
  • Click on "Extract"
  • And you are done!

Extract email addresses (or URLs, phone numbers) into an Excel file

  • Click 'Format '
  • Click the 'Excel-friendly' button.
  • Copy/paste the result into your Excel Document.

Extract email addresses, URL, phone numbers to a database

  • Click 'Format'
  • Click 'database friendly'
  • Paste your text in 'Paste your text here'
  • Click 'Extract'
  • Copy and paste the result in your SQL editor
  • Insert the table name and the column name at the beginning of the text
  • Run the query

Extract email addresses (or URLs, phone numbers) address to Text

  • Paste your text in 'Paste your text here'
  • Click 'Extract'

Extract telephone, mobile numbers

  • Paste your text in 'Paste your text here'
  • Click 'Extract'
  • You will see the phone numbers extracted in one of the box that appears

Extract URL, page address

  • Paste your text in 'Paste your text here'
  • Click 'Extract'
  • You will see the URL extracted in one of the box that appears

Extract email addresses to send emails

  • Click 'Format'
  • Click 'mail-address-bar friendly' button.

Extract email addresses (or URLs, phone numbers) from an Excel file (xsl, xslt, CSV)

  • Select all the content of your Excel page (right-click anywhere on the page, then click 'select all'). You can also only select one or more columns (click just above the top of the column to do so. Click on the Ctrl button, and select other columns if needed)
  • Copy the text (right-click, 'copy')
  • Paste it in the 'Paste your text here' box
  • Click the button 'Extract'

Extract email addresses (or URLs, phone numbers)
from a MS Word document / Libre Office / Open Office Document
(doc, docx, dot, dotx, dotm, rtf, odt)

  • Select all the content of your Word page (right-click anywhere on the page
  • Click 'select all'
  • Copy the text
  • Paste it in the 'Paste your text here' box
  • Click the button 'Extract'

Extract email addresses (or URLs, phone numbers) from a PDF document

  • If you haven't got an software to open PDF files, Download and install the latest version of Adobe Reader.
  • Open the PDF in Adobe Reader.
  • Right-click on the open PDF and choose "Select tool."
  • Try to select the content you want to copy.
    This is the trickiest part, because your ability to select text depends on how the PDF was created:
    • If the PDF was created by scanning a document, you will not be able to select any text. This is because the PDF file is encoded as an image instead of a text document. You can click and drag to create a selection box, but this will copy as an image instead of as text. See the next section for tips on converting the file so that you can select the text.
    • If the PDF was created directly from a word processor, such as saved as a PDF in Word, you should be able to highlight text. Selecting large portions of text can be finicky, so try to make your copies in small chunks of text.
    • If you want to copy an image, you'll need to drag a selection box around the entire image.
  • Copy your selected content (select "Copy" from the Edit menu)
  • On this page extractemailaddress.com :
    • Paste it in the 'Paste your text here' box
    • Click the button 'Extract'

Extract from your gmail account

Extract from your outlook account

For outlook.com (your live account), see below

From outlook 2007

  • Click on File, Import and Export and the Wizard tool opens up
  • Select the option to Export to a File and click on Next
  • Select Microsoft Excel 97-2003 (or a CSV file) and click on Next
  • Click on Browse to select a location and then type the file name that you want to export the information to ; click on Next
  • Here is the important bit - click on Map Custom Fields. This will bring up a list of all the available fields that are available in that folder.
  • Since we are only interested in Email address, click on Clear Map and then from the Left side click on From: (address) and drag that to the Right list
  • Click on OK then click on Finish

Extract email addresses from 2 or more emails

Not yet documented

From outlook.com

Not yet documented

Extract email addresses (or URLs, phone numbers) from big files

All the text-processing is done by your browser. This is to ensure your privacy, as not a single email address is sent to a server from here!

However, this means that there is a processing limit. If you try would like to extract a text of 800M or more (depending of your computer performance), we recommend:

  • Copy and paste half of the text
  • extract
  • Copy and paste the other half
  • extract
  • Copy and past the first result in the 'Paste your text here' area
  • Copy and past the second result in the 'Paste your text here' area, below the text you have just pasted
  • extract

The last steps are to remove the potential duplicates, and order all the addresses correctly.

Extract Email Addresses from from Thunderbird

For your address book, see the 'from emails in folders' help.

From emails in folders

  • find where your data of Thunderbird are: go here and follow the instructions.
  • There, you have different folders. The one containing data about your email could be ImapMail, or PopMail, or a folder with the name of your email account. You will find it easily. Open it, go inside the sub-folder.
    I personally go in ImapMail\imap.aol.com for it.
  • In this folder, you will have files with names similar to your own mail folder. Open the one with the extension .msf with a text editor (notepad, works,.. the lighter the better, so you may avoid big rich-featured text-editor like Word). The operation may take some time, according to your computer and the size of the file to open.
  • Copy the content of the file, paste the content in the text box 'paste your text here'.
  • Then click the button "extract". This should take some time (If you have an old computer, it might get a unstable for one or two minutes).

From your address book

  • find where your data of Thunderbird are. Go here and follow the instruction.
  • open the file abook.mab with a text editor (the lighter the better, notepad or works are great for that)
  • copy all the text and start extracting with this website.

Concerned about privacy?

Your Privacy is in your hand.

All the text-processing is done by your browser. This is to ensure your privacy, as not a single email address is sent to a server!

I value privacy at least as much as you do! This site does not rely on selling email addresses or using email addresses for commercial purposes.

But it relies only on donations to:

  • Pay the server needed to host this website
  • Help the developer, myself for the development time has devoted to develop this project for you
  • Encourage me to improve further and maintain this website


One day, a couple of years ago, my Dad asked me: "I have a file with a lot of address emails, but it's just a mess inside it. Can you get me all these address emails?"

Simple idea, but it would have been a real pain to do that by hand: find each email address, copy and paste each one manually.
Then I thought, if my Dad needs that, maybe more people need that on the internet?

That is why I have created this email address extractor, extractemailaddress.com
Since the initial idea, I have added a lot of features, created an easy-to-use design, and crafted a look and feel so that you can get what you need quickly and efficiently.

All in all, it is here to help people, like you, in their daily work-life.

I hope it succeeds to do so. If so, say thanks: buy me a beer

  I am Nicolas, a web developer, from France. I have lived in United Kingdom, Australia, Switzerland and Germany.
I always try to help people, and I also love creating and working on great websites.

That is why I have created, developed and maintained this tool with for you

10 good reasons to use ExtractEmailAdress.com

  1. It's safe: NO email address, URL or phone number are sent to any server - all the magic happens on your device only!!
    I have no interest at all to gather any of random data.
  2. It's powerful
  3. It's easy to use
  4. It's free
  5. It has powerful sort functionalities
  6. You can use it to extract data from several file formats (text, CSV, PDF, Excel, DOC,...) - as long as you can open them and copy their content
  7. Extract to different formats
  8. Great for email marketing: you can easily create a mailing list
  9. You don't have to install anything! What if you buy an Email Extractor $64 and you end up having some viruses from it??
  10. It's blazing fast - extract thousands of emails from a big text in a snap!

What people say about this website?


I really loved this user friendly option of extracting the mail , thanks a lot for the help i am sure more visibility should be there for your web address

all the best to you

I love you

Just wanted to thank you. Thanks!!!!!

Matteo M

Awesome site! Thank you very much!


This page is a very nice help. Does its job beautifully simply.

Jean C.

What a time saver for me will use this for rest of my list 70 per day for a month.

TY TY TY for this saved in favorites will send you donations in sept.

Will recommend this to 100's of contacts.


Looking to extract a BUNCH of emails
for a mailing list?

Check this amazing tool out

Digital Domination

Who use it?

Crafter, and Small to Medium Sellers from Around the World

Many businesses use ExtractEmailAddress.com to grow their business. They use this service to create a mailing list and send newsletters, monthly information,...

ExtractEmailAddress.com was useful to Joshua from Small Craft Advisor, business that publish magazines about boats, adventures and boats.
He used it because it "was the only one we found that seemed to do what we needed."

ExtractEmailAddress.com has also helped Amanda Jetten, a creator from beautiful Jewelries and Mala Beads, an Etsy seller.

Marketing Agencies

ExtractEmailAddress.com could be very useful for marketing agencies: it can help them to promote their client's business

For instance, FSB associates, an agency specialized in book publishing, has used it to create a new mailing list.

Anyone, for private stuff

In addition to businesses, Extract Email Address is proven to be useful for anybody, should it be to create a Wedding guest list, to DJs who want to send information to their fans.

All in all, should you want to use to create a mailing list for business, or for private purposes, I hope it will save you a lot of time and energy!


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